Initialization Issue with Daheng Camera in imswitch

Hello, @benedictdied

I encountered an issue while using the imswitch software with a Daheng camera. My camera configuration follows:


and the error log shows

2024-08-19 16:36:55 DEBUG [GXPIPYManager -> WidefieldCamera] This sample does not support color camera.
DEBUG:imswitch:[GXPIPYManager -> WidefieldCamera] This sample does not support color camera.
2024-08-19 16:36:56 INFO [GXPIPYManager -> WidefieldCamera] Initialized camera, model: CameraGXIPY
INFO:imswitch:[GXPIPYManager -> WidefieldCamera] Initialized camera, model: CameraGXIPY
2024-08-19 16:36:56 ERROR [DetectorsManager -> MultiManager] 'CameraGXIPY' object has no attribute 'SensorWidth'
ERROR:imswitch:[DetectorsManager -> MultiManager] 'CameraGXIPY' object has no attribute 'SensorWidth'
2024-08-19 16:36:56 ERROR [imcontrol init] Error initializing controller: 'WidefieldCamera'
ERROR:imswitch:[imcontrol init] Error initializing controller: 'WidefieldCamera'
2024-08-19 16:36:56 ERROR [main] Failed to initialize module imcontrol
ERROR:imswitch:[main] Failed to initialize module imcontrol
2024-08-19 16:36:56 ERROR [main] 'WidefieldCamera'
ERROR:imswitch:[main] 'WidefieldCamera'
2024-08-19 16:36:56 ERROR [main] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\lihai\Downloads\imswitch\imswitch\", line 149, in main
    view, controller = modulePkg.getMainViewAndController(
  File "C:\Users\lihai\Downloads\imswitch\imswitch\imcontrol\", line 89, in getMainViewAndController
    raise e
  File "C:\Users\lihai\Downloads\imswitch\imswitch\imcontrol\", line 84, in getMainViewAndController
    controller = ImConMainController(options, setupInfo, view, moduleCommChannel)
  File "C:\Users\lihai\Downloads\imswitch\imswitch\imcontrol\controller\", line 32, in __init__
    self.__masterController = MasterController(self.__setupInfo, self.__commChannel,
  File "C:\Users\lihai\Downloads\imswitch\imswitch\imcontrol\controller\", line 34, in __init__
    self.detectorsManager = DetectorsManager(self.__setupInfo.detectors, updatePeriod=100,
  File "C:\Users\lihai\Downloads\imswitch\imswitch\imcontrol\model\managers\", line 31, in __init__
    if not self._subManagers[detectorName].forAcquisition:
KeyError: 'WidefieldCamera'

Did I make any mistakes when configuring the Daheng camera? Thank you for your help.

It’s due to the Colour Sensor. Let’s review this. I haven’t implemented this yet. Shouldn’t be too difficult.

Turned out that the colour mode was a bit more involved. Fixed it now :slight_smile:

You would need the following configuration for ImSwitch inside the detector bit of the json file:

  "detectors": {
    "WidefieldCamera": {
      "analogChannel": null,
      "digitalLine": null,
      "managerName": "GXPIPYManager",
      "managerProperties": {
        "cameraListIndex": 1,
        "cameraEffPixelsize": 0.2257,
        "isRGB": 1,        
        "gxipycam": {
          "exposure": 20,
          "gain": 0,
          "blacklevel": 10,
          "image_width": 1000,
          "image_height": 1000
      "forAcquisition": true,
      "forFocusLock": true