UC2 Standalone Board V3

Hello @benedictdied

I am currently working with a WEMOS D1 R32 but I would like to upgrade to the UC2 standalone boards you developed just to avoid any deprecated features of the wemos board in the future (PS4 controller for example).

How do I go about developing this board. Is this something I can purchase through UC2 or do I have to get it manufactured myself? If I have to make it, do you have any information on how to do it? I am not knowledgable in this subject and would really just like a plug and play replacement for the wemos board already controlling my microscope through imswitch.

Hey @jsmithe2, sorry for my late response. Indeed, you could buy one of these boards. It is actually part of the openuc2-electronics box the company openuc2.com sells. So far it’s all not super official since there is no shop, but you can ask for a quote (be warned it’s not super cheap…). Docs: UC2 Standalone Board V3 | openUC2 Documentation