Updating the latest openUC2 Imswitch


I am a user of openUC2 Imswitch. It is a great tool for me to observe the growth of our plants*(Arabidopsis thaliana)*. Thanks for your valuable work on upgrading and maintaining this tool. Do you have a “stable” URL(website) and tutorial to guide freshers like me in updating our openUC2 Imswitch? I believe it can save usrs lots of time and attract more users.

It would also be best if you could add a function that can automatically check Imswitch and remind users to upgrade it.


Hey @Yuhao, thanks for reaching out! In the meantime we have created an ImSwitch installer that installs a miniconda environment locally and pulls all the necessary archives from github. I tried documenting it here:

Let me know if this works for you. It’s a bit experimental, but it should work. Essentially it does:

  1. Install a miniconda environment under ~/User/ImSwitch/miniconda3
  2. pip install -e https://github.com/openUC2/UC2-REST/archive/refs/heads/master.zip (as a zip)
  3. pip install -e https://github.com/openUC2/ImSwitch/archive/refs/heads/master.zip (as a zip)

You can interact with the miniconda environment as stated here:

e.g. you can start imswitch without the installer by typing:
C:\Users\UCadmin2\ImSwitch\miniforge\python.exe -m imswitch

Let me know if this works for you!