Thanks a lot for developing this cool technology, ! I plan to use my PS5 controller to manipulate the microscope in XYZ level. Based on your PS4/PS3 tutorial, currently, I have some issues in connecting PS5 and the ImSwitch.
The PS5 was paired with the Windows laptop via bluetooth. I installed the Arduino 18.18 and the ESP32 module. But I am stuck on the step of "Test the code using the Arduino Serial". It is my first time to use this software and don’t understand its grammar, especially for how to insert the code of ‘Identify the Board’, ‘Turn on the laser’ etc. Besides, I don’t know if the PS5 controller is successfully connected to the microscope. I think it is better to reminder users the state of PS controller on the Imswitch UC2 confia panel.
Could you give me some suggestions to solve these issues? Thank you in advance!
Reminded by benedick, I follow this tutorial to connect the PS5 and the microscope. When I l flash the firmware, I received the bug (below) during a long time waiting for downloading the UC2-ESP. Could you please give me some clues to solve it? @benedictdied
Thanks for reporting this issue @Yuhao! First of all, you should select the firmware UC2_3 (I see you selected UC2_WEMOS) on the website. This - however - has only an effect on the pins, not the way of flashing it. Reasons why this installation may fail is that you have opened the device in another application or you have some virus scanner installed on your computer that may prevent you from using the online tool.
The tool also suggests you to push the BOOT button. In case installing the firmware does not work on your current computer you could access this button by opening the assembly like so:
I hope this helps.
PS: How did you upload the other firmware? Usually you don’t need firmware updates…
Thanks for your quick reply and useful suggestions. You are right, I opened both the ImSwitch and the webserial. My problem was solved by restarting the microscope and closed the ImSwitch. So if anyone has similar issues, it would be good to have a try on restarting it.
Hey @MakerTobey, thanks for reaching out. Right now, the Firmware only supports PS3/PS4 controllers, but I would recommend you to use PS4 controllers. Fake ones should work just fine.