Idea: Off-Axis Holographic reconstruction plug-in


I am trying to develop an Off-axis holographic setup and use an ImSwitch plug-in for the Phase reconstruction. So far we can compute the FFT of the current intensity image seen on the camera. Then, we can choose the first order in the spectrum in order to filter the first order with perhaps a circle window and retrieve the (wrapped) phase of an object. One proposal I came up with is the following:

A button for saving the background once for later use. Once this background image exists, another button can be used to reconstruct the phase of any object that has been added to the FoV and display it in the napari window and at the same time save it in the respective folder. We can even ask for some parameters to specify filter characteristics or the type of phase unwrapping algorithm to be used for example.

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Thanks @AaronRiSa for your first post! :slight_smile:
I have updated the GUI based on your suggestions. Now, we need to fill the buttons with functions.
When saving holograms, do you want to do that for every new hologram that is getting reconstructed or only when hitting the snap button?

What will be saved is the RAW hologram and its reconstruction based on the previously selected parameters I suppose, or what do you think?