Hey everyone.
I have been doing a project for a fluorescence microscope based on the UC2 platform. I started it originally in 2022 already but took breaks from it, which is why it’s probably outdated and I actually couldn’t find it in the git anymore. The basic setup is however the same as here: GitHub - openUC2/UC2_Fluorescence_microscope: This is the repository for the laser-based fluorescence microscope with infinity optics. It is capable to acquire Time-Lapse videos from living cells inside an incubator.. I am using the old xyz-stage with a twist which is that the xy-part is powered by software based on this git GitHub - koendv/xy-stage: mechanical stage (I recommend taking a look). I also made a basic python interface to control the microscope and picam. Another thing is that I don’t have a beamsplitter or dichroic mirror but simply shine the laser directly on the sample.
Since my project is for university, I want to show some examples of fluorescence with it. As shown in the picture, I had some first success with an onion stained with Eosyn. Here are my questions:
- What is another sample I could use, or rather what stain would work well? I have gotten a bit frustrated trying to find something that I know I can get an affordable filter or dichroic mirror for. It just needs to be something to show that it works, nothing fancy.
- Do you think not having a beam splitter/beam expander setup but simply shining the laser directly on the sample and using an emission filter will lead to decent results, or would you recommend getting those elements?
Thanks a lot,